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WALSIN (华新科技)

WALSIN (华新科技)

华新科技(walsin)凭借领先业界的技术与遍布全球的配销网,已成为被动组件产业的领导名牌。专精于被动组件的制造,产品线包括积层陶瓷电容器(MLCC)、芯片电阻与排阻(Chip Resistors and Arrays)与低温共烧高频组件 (HF LTCC,包括天线及滤波器)、积层共模滤波器(multi-layer common mode filters) 、EMI及ESD滤波器、氧化锌变阻器 (Varistors) 、power choke(扼流器) 与diode(二极管)。


自2001年以来,华新科技(walsin)持续以年营收3%投资于技术创新,研发总部设于高雄,现今已拥有六个主要R&D中心,分别位在北台湾、中国与日本,专业研发团队超过250人,在被动组件材料、制程、相关产品应用及射频装置业已取得超过168项专利。并于高雄投资兴建高容高压(High CV)、特殊规格(Specialty)与0201微型化(miniaturized)的生产基地。世界一流的被动组件制造水平,以积极达成客户需求为目标,科技业界的领导地位,益形稳固。

华新科技(walsin)的产品技术研发规划,与全球电子产品需求趋势相符,以微型化、成本效益、绿色环保、安规与防电磁波干扰/静电(EMI/ESD),以及无线射频装置(Wireless RF devices)为基准。近年来,更由于投入无线与射频应用,如蓝芽模块、SMD GPS芯片天线的研发,使华新科技(walsin)一跃成为射频与无线组件的重要供货商。

华新科技(walsin)已获得业界最高质量认证,包括QS9000、ISO14001、TS16949与ISO9001,以及SONY Green Partner与三星ECO Partner等等。此外,MLCC与Chip-R等核心产品,业已遵循欧欧盟RoHS的制程标准,获得全球主要客户的广泛采用。



Incorporated in 1992, Walsin Technology Corporation (WTC) is the world’s leading manufacturer of passive components with one-stop-shop product portfolio and worldwide delivery platform. The company’s product lineup includes multiple-layer ceramic chip (MLCC) capacitor/array, chip-resistor/array & networks, RF components, disc capacitor, varistor, and chip fuse.

In less than ten years, WTC grew rapidly into a publicly traded company in Taiwan and ranked as a top tier supplier for passive components. Its dedication in R&D and strategic alliances with business partners contribute to this remarkable achievement. 

Recognizing the importance of technical capability, WTC is committed strongly to R&D. The company has been spending approximately 3% of its sales in R&D since 2001. To ensure its product specs are in line with customers’ expectations, WTC constantly benchmarks its product development roadmap against the industry and focuses on developing miniaturized, cost effective, environmentally friendly, protective, and specialty components. 

Walsin Technology has been continuously growing its business through alliances. Synergy with powder maker PDC, with specialty product producer Kamaya, and with regional distributors such as Arrow enables WTC to extend its product offerings and services. 

Eight production centers strategically located in Asia, WTC manufactures high quality products and delivers to customers via its distribution network established worldwide. Walsin’s superior product quality and top-notch services have earned WTC world-renowned brand names to manufacture for their needs. Compact in size with multifunction and features incorporated, Walsin’s products can always be found in consumer electronics, computers, telecommunication devices, automotive and industrial applications, virtually in all electronic devices around you. 

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